

俚语 rectum scale

Rectum Scale

A system of measuring flatulance. Similiar to the Richter Scale but used to measure assquakes as opposed to earthquakes.
Man... i dropped a bomb in class today that must have been at least a 7.5 on the rectum scale.

Rectum Scale

A scale used to measure how much of an asshole someone is! (similar to the Richter scale, only used for douche bags and cockholes)
That jerk off stole my loot - he's about a 10 on the rectum scale.

7.4 on the Rectum scale

A blasting, large stinky fart that usually sends people running,afraid of "after-shocks"
Man, I had to open the windows, cuz that was a 7.4 on the rectum scale!!




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