

俚语 red bank

red bank

Home of Kevin Smith and sight of the "New Jersey trilogy," consisting of all five Jay and Silent Bob movies.
I'm bored. Let's hit Red Bank and chill on broad street.

red bank

The place for a bunch of scene kids in Jersey to hang out.
The place for a bunch of scene kids in Jersey to hang out.
"Wanna hit red bank tonight? We could get slurpees."
"Yeah, that would be cool... could we listen to shitty local bands too?"
"Yeah, then we can hang out in the park and do absolutely nothing... meet me at sundown?"

red bank

the sweetest town ever in New Jersey on the coast
Red Bank kicks little Silver's ass

red bank

A very ghetto suburb South-West of Brisbane, near Ipswich. From what I have seen, it is comparable to south central L.A.
I would rather drink draino than go there.
R: "Dude those arseholes better stop bullying us, its really annoying and I'm bigger than most of them anyway".
C: "Hey man don't worry if they start some shit I have a wrench in my bag for that exact purpose".
R: "WTF is wrong with you?"
C: "I'm from Red bank remember"
R: "Oh Yeah, fair enough"

Red Bank Catholic

Worst school ever. Mr Ross is a virgin
Red bank Catholic has fat teachers

Red Bank Catholic

red bank catholic is a piece of shit school that will always take alumni’s side over you. aka whoever gives mr. A the most dick suckings. aka whoever gives the school the most money. teachers are rude and call you out for have reading problems or comprehension problems. fuck rbc it’s gross, miserable, and there are roaches the size of foot long hot dogs. fuck the school. except mrs carton, mr herrington, and mrs scaramunzino, mrs. k, and dr. shaladia also mrs kennedy. fuck the rest of you ungreatful swines
red bank catholic sucks and you should never send your kids there

red bank catholic

HOME OF THE CASEYS - the sweetest high school in nj - by far the most interesting and entertaining too. no other high school has as much spirit and as much fun as us. no other highschool has the diversity in teachers and students personalities. it thrives on randomness, but lives on tradition. it connects faith, fun, education, and awesome people. you have to go there to understand it. class of '07 rules
random hs student, "school sucks"
red bank catholic student, "wish i could say the same"
random hs student, " what you mean, your school doesn't suck"
red bank cahtolic student, "well school is school, but rbc is awesome"




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