

俚语 red flower

Red flower

A big flame of fire 🔥

Wild fire 🔥

Heat 🔥

Fuego 🔥
Look at the beautiful red flower! 🔥

red flower

1.someone who is a regualar partier, drinker, smoker, has whoreish tendencies, and mixes with all the wrong people.

2. the opposite of a white flower
nicole is totally a red flower, she's at every party and getting drunk and taking off her pants is totally her thing.

The Red Flower Clan

The nickname given to the Matsuguaia clan for their wide skill in Pyro Technique. Also it is the name of the ultimate Pyro Style Technique that results in suicide when used.
1. Pyro Style: Red Flower: Incineration!!
2. I will finish you..with the Red Flower.
3. He's a member of the Red Flower clan, isn't he?

Red Flower

When you have vaginal sex in the snow while a girl is on her period making the snow red.
Me and Jimmy made a hell of a red flower in his backyard.

blue flower red thorns

a way of saying you dont care about someone elses current situation or what they are trying to do because you have shit of your own to take care of.
friend: omg ive got all this homework to do for uni and not enough time.
me : blue flower red thorns

Eat The Red Flowers

An act that bodily commits a person to a terrible conflict, through a transformative or unforgivable act that makes it impossible for the one who "eats red flowers" to back down from the conflict. Examples of red flowers may include acts of violence, but could also include "Fighting Words", offensive speech that clearly and unambiguously expresses an intent to fight.

It's an idiom from the foundational indie game, Cave Story. Within Cave Story, Any mimiga (rabbit person) who ate a local variety of red flowers would turn irreversibly into a violent monster. There was some implication that the warriors of the mimiga took highly diluted infusions of red flowers for strength, but even they took great care not to go too far. A mimiga would only knowingly eat a red flower once they were ready to die fighting.
"There's no point in engaging with them. They've eaten the red flowers. (They've tweeted some really stupid and offensive things that they're not going to want to ever have to acknowledge they were wrong about, so they wont, so we can't reconcile)"

"No Averill, don't shoot a partridge in the lord's private hunting grounds. If he finds out he'll deploy his army and try to evict us."
"Let him. We peasants are ready to revolt, and we'd win. I'm going to do it, Barclay, sooner or later I'm going to eat the red flowers."




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