

俚语 red knight

Red Knight

When engaging in an act of sexual intercourse with a woman who is in the peak of her menstrual cycle. The male proceeds to remove his member from the woman's nasty place while imitating the sound of a sword being pulled out of a scabbard. He then slaps the woman across any part of her body, leaving a bloody red mark, reminiscent of being sliced by the sword of a medieval knight.
"Schwingggg" went my dong as I pulled it out of its sheath. Then "slice" as the Red Knight took another victim.

red eye knight

similar to the Jedi knight, the red eye knight draws his power not from "the force" but from "the Kush" and wields a bong instead of a light saber
by crafting your first bong your training as a red eye knight is complete

Jadeen Red Knight

a guy whose really angry
stop being such a jadeen red knight abraham lincon




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