

俚语 red ring

Red Ring

That wonderful scarlet tinted color of the anal sphincter created after a spirited round of anal sex or anal fisting. Typically requires gaping for the true ambiance of the red ring to come through.
Rachel was left in bed with her ass up sporting a beautiful red ring after Carl left her satisfied and gaping.

red ringed

Slang for a broken xbox, taken from the "Red Ring of Death", where the ring of lights around the power button turn red, indicating the type of fault.
"Wanna play Halo 3?"
"Can't - my 360 red ringed"

red ring

A red ring around the bum hole after anal sex (usually associated with gay sex), also often used as an insult.
So bill did jimmy give you a red ring last nite?
Yea will youve got a red ring!

red ring

Unwanted burning sensation around the ring of the anus left after spicy food, normal from a curry or mexican.
Sorry John, i'm gunna be late, had a madras last nite and i've got red ring and it's causing me a bit of agro.

red ring

Red Ringing is when you take some crushed up pills or other drug powder, and you have another person use a straw to blow it into your asshole.
Hey man, I got these oxys. Should I snort them?
No way, man. Red Ring them. You'll get so much higher!

red ring

when you are have sex a very tight girl and you are so rough that you rip her pussy wider causing a ring of blood around your dick
I guess she wasn't as experienced as she thought because in the morning we discovered a red ring.

red rings of death

What happens when your xbox 360 messes up
The usually green rings that surround the power button, turn red.
I was playing madden 07 on my 360, then all of a sudden my screen cut off and I saw the red rings of death, i was freaking out.




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