

俚语 refriended


When you are reunited with an old school chum after a ridiculous amount of time through one or the other of those high school websites.
It was so cool to see Beth after 20 years. Who would have believed I would have refriended her!!!


To pass your old hoe to one of your friends.
No bro don't unfriend her, just refriend her to me, so I can smash.


to add a friend in Facebook or Myspace again, after having accidentally defriended them because you thought you misfriended them.
Dang, I had to refriend him on my Facebook account. I thought I had misfriended him but he turned out to be my Math professor.


to whatever it takes and don't give up on reconnecting with a lost friend - no matter how many times or issues there may be - search, mail, phone, internet - word of mouth! REFRIEND AND SPREAD THE LOVE.
After 26 years amazingly and a world away I was blessed with a refriend from a FES who regretted not returning my call in '83 and lost touch with me. OMG talk about feeling special and a refriend is just as good if not better than a friend, we all get busy - make a refriend today!


1. When you reconnect with a person you used to be friends with

2. When you help someone else make up with a friend, or help someone make a friend indirectly
She helped them refriend each other after a fight.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 5:38:15