Trying to say nigger without getting the fuck beaten out of you.
"Did you see that reggin Johnson? i had to use necessary force. Ahh lets just sprinckle some crack on him...."
Nigger spelled backwards. Used to trick black people.
That Afro-american is a Reggin.
The word nigger backwards used in a situation when blacks are present.
While sitting in KFC we told Ted and Justin to quit acting like such Reggins and stop trying to steal ourchicken.
a word used to describe a nigger in front of spelled backwards...they don't get it...
Look at those reggins over there on the porch.
Nigger spelled backwards so you don't get punched by an actual nigger.
"That fuckin Reggin stole my wallet!"
A slang term that refers to the dark skinned man refered to as a "nigger" used to hide its true meaning from the African American race.
Sally is the head cheerleader of her high school so she fucks all the reggins's on the weekend.
nigger spelled backwards which gives white people a covert way of insulting african americans.
those damn reggins are at it again!