

俚语 regurgitated pussy squirt

Regurgitated Pussy Squirt

A matter of vagina mess that is vomited when a person (male or female...who gives a shit) consumes it.

Or just some dickless fuckface.
1) Ugh, this regurgitated pussy squirt is really leaving an aftertaste.

2) Wow, shut the fuck up you regurgitated pussy squirt.

Regurgitated Pussy Squirt

I matter of vagina mess that is vomited when a man sucks in all the pussy juice...or just a fucking dickface.
1) Ugh, that regurgitated pussy squirt is leaving a horrible aftertaste.

2) Dude, just shut the fuck up you regurgitated pussy squirt.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 15:22:09