

俚语 rehateable


Rehat is the dreamy guy every girl secretly wants. A charming, attractive, and handsome guy who is shy at first. His personality is unlike any other. He is most likely to be tall, tanned. He is intelligent, and is a smooth talker :) Kind, selfless, caring, and nurturing. Someone you want to spend the rest of my life with. He can be extremely sarcastic and annoying at times though. If you ever get to call a Rehat your friend, consider yourself lucky. A true blessing to all whose hearts are touched by such a perfect person.
Person: "Why are you single"
Person 2: "If only I could find myself a Rehat"


Rehat is an amazing person with a great personality, she's usually very fun,sporty and very trustworthy. She's also super loyal and so pretty😍😍. Gorgeous
Wow! Look that persons just like a Rehat! Lucky!


When you hate somebody or something for a particular reason and then you forget about it or stop hating them over time, but an event or situation renews your hate for the person or thing all over again.
My neighbor Karen called the cops on my grow op and I hated her for it. She moved 3 years ago, but as I plant my new crop I am feeling rehate for her today.


pagal ladki.
rehat/rehatpreet is a pagal ladki


Rehat is the sensation of relief, calmness and coziness. Feeling rehat means that you feel good, but not all good feelings are rehat. This word probably Turkish origins.
Right now I feel rehat.


some random trans fucktarded faggot
rehateable is a trans faggot!


A trans retard who should kill then selves in every single possible way.
Rehateable the retard




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