

俚语 rehearseal


The CORRECT way to spell "rehersal".
Look it up in the dictionary, pal.

And while you're at it, look up "uterly". That won't be in there either.
"I was at my play rehearsal, fuck-face! Where the shit-biscuits do you THINK I was?!"


Play Practice
Hey, can you play Team Fortress 2 today?

No, I have play practice.

Dang it.

Well I'll see you tomorrow.

Oh, and rehearsal isn't a word, is it?


This occurs when the corpse of a loved one is reanimated, killed (again), and buried (for the last time hopefully).
At some point during the zombie outbreak you encounter your ex loved ones. They want your brains and you want them to rest forever, once again. This calls for a family rehearsal.


The completely and uterly wrong way to spell "rehersal".
What the fuck is a re-hear-sal?

rehearsal hangover

The drowsy, irritable, and all around lousy state experienced the day after a rehearsal that ran late, long, or both. Similar to an alcohol induced hangover, but without the ill odors, vomiting, or dizziness.
I apologize. I'm not quite directing this choir at my best. "Joseph" rehearsal ran quite late last night and now I've got a bloody rehearsal hangover.

dress rehearsal

dry humping, going through the motions of sex without all that pesky penetration. there must be at least one type of fabric separating the required genitals at all times. no contact!
guy: you get some last night?
dude: naw, only a dress rehearsal. now i have blue balls.

dress rehearsal

where everything goes wrong the night before the first performance.
bad dress rehearsal, good show




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