

俚语 reinc


A shortening of "reincarnation". Used primarily but not exclusively in the fandom for the animanga Saiyuki.
I saw a reinc fic yesterday where all the characters were reborn as soldiers in WWI.

Reince Priebus

When a dog obsessively & repetitively licks the private parts of another dog. The act is almost always followed by an intense period of panting by the "Reincer" - the dog doing the licking. The "Priebus" (referring to the recipient dog's licked private parts) should appear red & irritated. Both dogs should be shamed equally.
Our Pug suffered a mild stroke after he gave our Frenchie a 3 day, nonstop Reince Priebus.

Reince Priebus

the condition of having a rashy, oily, itchy or otherwise disgusting taint. Usually due to pure personal hygiene or improper wiping technique.

See also fumunda cheese.
Oh my god that homeless man smells, I bet he has a reince priebus

Reince Priebus

1. N. When you act like you can't do your job until somebody else does theirs. This is considered a major foul in all careers except politics, evidently.

pronunciation: Rhynz Pree-bus

2. Chairman of the Republican National Committee

3. V. (archaic) Laying pre-emptive groundwork for future excuse-making when needed.
Office Hag: I can't have those tps reports done until Milton returns my stapler, so I'm just having coffee and talking about what a great worker I am.

Manager: Sounds like a Reince Priebus to me. Now just get me the Management Porn that I requested three days ago.

Verb tense: Republicans have been Reince Priebusing the media by getting that High-Fluting Economist at the Heritage Foundation to write some Spinata about how stimulus spending doesn't work.

Reince Priebus

Latin term for the space that separates the reproductive organs from the anus in a human being.

See also, a bare, soulless, spineless, empty piece of skin that sits quietly and obediently between an asshole and a dick.
Is there anything worse than an itchy Reince Priebus? I think not.

reince priebus

A parasitic worm attached to the anus of rich businessmen.When the host dies, resigns or otherwise loses power, the reince preibus drops off and writes a book about the experience.
Donald Trump's doctor declared him the healthiest president ever, but now he has a reince priebus attached to his sphincter.

Reince Priebus

The new Republican National Convention Chairman.
Reince Priebus? I thought that was something you do before entering a public pool.




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