

俚语 releam


An ancient building, place of significance, or realm, that is overseen by magical or powerful beings. These beings may have varying degrees of control within their releam, but are often noted as powerful within their domain.
The first used recorded instance of "releam" was in The Toronto Star, in reference to traditional folklore. Not widely used, and only rarely heard in select regions of Canada, including Quebec, Northern Ontario, Halifax, Southern Manitoba, and The Yukon.

The word "Releam" was subjected to a study into Canadian English and it's roots by the University of Ottawa in 2019, and additional information, history, along with other rare Canadian words can be found on their study.
"You best be careful, That old hollow is said to be the releam of the Picton Witch."
"Challenging a Wizard in his releam is sure to end poorly."
"You have no power outside your releam! Begone, before we make you leave!"




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