

俚语 relevate


1. (v.) to relate then elevate
2. to dump

3. (n.,v.,adj.) can used in place of any other word
Go ahead and relevate on him!


When something is just so right that only one word can explain it. Only one word is relevant enough to highlight the relevance of the situation.
Billy: Hey pass me that ruler why don't you?
Ruth: Why should I do that? Are you going to measure that water tower?
Billy: That's totally unrelevant!
Ruth: It's pronounced irrelevant.
Billy: That's so relevant of you.


A word spoken and written that conveys one’s relative lack of education and susceptibility to groupthink. Relevancy conveys no meaning beyond the properly used “relevance.” This word has quietly and hideously made its way into otherwise semi-intelligent settings like tech companies and advertising agencies within the last decade.
The relevancy of this film cannot be overstated, but my intelligence can be. “The relevance of this film...is timeless” would be the proper form of this word, with zero meaning lost.


homeboy mistyped/mispronounced "revelation." Technically also means "lifted up" but nobody intentionally uses that definition in this day and age
homeboy: dude I was tripping on acid last weekend and had a mind-blowing relevation!
dude: Pretty sure you mean revelation but go off I guess


A word to describe a group of people in whom everyone else likes to know what's going on and gossip about.
Is similar to popular, almost a replacement
Omg go away you're so irrelevant
A:"did you hear that Ruby and Jake broke up" B:"No" A:"How come you didn't know they're so relevant"


n. remembering a profound event in your recent life... and forgeting it again because you are ripped.
ahhh yeah... i had a relevation today. Ummm. Yeah. Relevation, HA! Ok I forget now.


the most amazing group of people ever, having to do with things that are real and that matter
wow, that church in willisamsbug is relevant




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更新时间:2024/9/20 19:50:00