

俚语 bastard rat

Bastard Rat

A person with a hot body but a face that would scare the devil.
-Guys standing in line-
Gary- Look at the ass on that!
Girl turns around
Rick- Yep, nice turd chopper but has a face like a bastard rat.

rat bastard

A bastard who is characterized by devious and base intentions.
That rat bastard who ripped me off on the car deal also hits on my sister.

rat bastard

A despicable person.
Someone easy to hate, usually for a good reason.
It is normally related to either extreme personality flaws or actions commited counter to human decency.
"What kind of rat bastard psychotic would play that song right now, at this moment?"
- Raoul Duke (HST)

rat bastard

someone who is a little shit and acts like they own the world
OMG look at Maia, that rat bastard.


An extreme bastard; a real asshole. Frequently used by middle-aged trailer trash women to describe the ex-boyfriend who beat her.
I told that RAT-BASTARD if he ever hit me again I would call the law.

rat bastard

an completely wretched and despised person
Get off my case you rat bastard.

Rat Bastard

A supposed human who is actually lower that a human being, but to make things worse, is able to pretend to be a human being. Someone who'd likely steal from his own brothers and suck up to his in-laws
That Rat Bastard PW sucks his stupid mother-in-laws ass while never visiting his own momma




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更新时间:2024/9/21 1:49:04