

俚语 rest in bitch face

resting bitch face

a person, usually a girl, who naturally looks mean when her face is expressionless, without meaning to.
Nah, she's just got a resting bitch face, she's actually really sweet

resting bitch face

The face a person makes that makes them look as if they are angry, irritated, or depressed, but are usually just relaxing or deeply thinking about something.
"Are you okay, you look pissed"

Yeah, I'm fine, this is just my resting bitch face.

Resting bitch face

A bitchy alternative to the usual blank look most people have. This is a condition affecting the facial muscles, suffered by millions of women worldwide. People suffering from bitchy resting face (BRF) have the tendency look hostile and/or judgemental at rest.
Wow look at the RBF, You TRY to make a joke but everyone takes it way too seriously because they can’t tell if you’re joking - resting bitch face.

Resting bitch face

A condition that effects 1 in 6 people meaning that their "zoned out face" is in a constant state of bitchiness.
'Claire Horn has resting bitch face!!'

resting bitch face

This mainly female disorder causes a person's face to convey a high level of bitchiness when, in actuality, they aren't feeling very bitchy at all.
DIsregard Amanda's facial expressions. She's really quite nice. She just has resting bitch face.

Resting Bitch-Face

An unintentional look upon a woman's face that conveys a sense of bitchiness.
Kelly has a resting bitch-face, she always looks pissed off.

resting bitch face

Originally meant to describe a bland or emotionless facial expression (resting) that unintentionally appears angry or grumpy (bitch face), the phrase has devolved and is now often used to shame women who have the audacity to not smile cheerfully every moment of every day for other people's enjoyment whether they feel happy or not.
Most of the pictures that supposedly depict resting bitch face actually just show a resting face. Are we so used to seeing smiling women everywhere that we no longer know how to respond to a woman who isn't smiling?




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更新时间:2024/9/21 5:37:33