

俚语 retardical question

retardical question

A play on the phrase rhetorical question, a retardical question is a question so stupid, it leaves the people being asked speechless, and unable to answer with even a sarcastic response. A retardical question has such stupefying power,it can leave an entire room in a confused daze, and, in written form, can kill as many brain cells as aerosol or a Miley Cyrus song.
Dude 1: What did you put in answer for number 9?

Dude 2: You mean "name something flat? I put pancakes, tortillas, Earth....
Dude 1: Wait what?! Earth?
Dude 2: Yeah it's flat right? That's what people say.

Dude 1 is so stunned by this retardical question he is unable to speak, or move, and has to be taken to the school nurse.

Retarded question

A question that should be so obvious you just seem retarded after you ask it. Or any question that is common sense and you ask the question anyway.
Retarded question example “does the Grand Canyon have water at the bottom”




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更新时间:2024/9/21 8:26:51