My number. Please help.
"Oh no, it's 7:14 again. I think I am going to die."
The date when conservative influencer Vince Dao started a live stream for 30 minutes without audio.
7/14 was a terrible day in American history
nik name for quaalude
got any 7-14s on ya?
The tragedy where Ecuadorian conspirators in alliance with Al Gore plot and successfully run 2 hijacked airliners into the Dorito Trading Center of the Al Gore Dorito Lands in New Dorito, New York.
"Burn the slimy Ecuadorian at the stake!"
"It's 7/14/2001 remembrance day."
"It's 7/14/2001 remembrance day."
7-14 days
An unknown period of time ranging between 7 days and infinity. Often used when the person using it has no clue whatsoever when a certain event will happen.
"I recommend re-visiting the story in 7-14 days." - Kris Marszalek
bible of misogyny, 7:14
“Treat her like a queen and you shall be left on seen”
bible of misogyny, 7:14 is a verse that states
“Treat her like a queen and you shall be left on seen”
—“I was simping over this girl and she ghosted me for no reason”
-“bro that’s verse 7:14 in the Bible of misogyny it means simping and still being left on read”
She belongs to the streets
“Treat her like a queen and you shall be left on seen”
—“I was simping over this girl and she ghosted me for no reason”
-“bro that’s verse 7:14 in the Bible of misogyny it means simping and still being left on read”
She belongs to the streets
The numbers Mason! What do they mean?! Where are they broadcast from!?
7-15-1-2-19-7-25-6-13-6-7-15-14-0 Ascension..........