

俚语 retrotardation


retrotardation being an outdated loser with zero knowledge of current events,or a loser with no technical knowledge who like to do things the old way because it's just easier.
I'm suffering from a case of retrotardation,My name is Allen and I think my email address is my website!


Someone who dresses from a past decade and also acts like a retard
Look at that girl in her jelly shoes she is such a retrotard


Young people that dress in the fashion trends of the 70's/80's but are convinced that it's a new look.
That kid with the muttonchops and bandanna thinks he's original but actually he's "Retrotarded".


an person who is nostalgic and mentally retarded at the same time. the word "retro" and the word "retard" combine to form "retrotard"! *gasp*!
that guy is a retrotard


old AND retarded
man, yo momma gotta nice ass, but she retrotarded!


by the way this word is mine! all mine! you're not allowed to use it without my consent! um,ya. the definition is above...
you're a freaking retrotard, you retrotard!


A particularly extreme Mercury Retrograde period, such that even trivial communication fails spectacularly. Packages are delivered incorrectly, e-mailed messages are lost to the electronic void, and civilization crumbles as confused citizens squint, confused and helpless, at text messages that were sent hours late to the wrong person.
A. S. Mercury retrograde ends tonight 11:21 pm PST

Amy A. IMHO, this one has been particularly "retrogrady"!

Chris H. ‎@Amy - I'd go so far as to say "retrotarded".




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更新时间:2024/9/20 10:25:23