

俚语 bat ass

bat ass

Only the hottest of the hot ass. Only bats can have something so tasty.
Damn Bianca has on bat ass🍑😍🔥🔥

bat ass

A red, swollen ass that is the result of being spanked with an ass bat.
Johnny was being a brat in school, so his teacher gave him a case of bat ass with her ass bat paddle.

bat ass

A red, swollen ass that is the result of being spanked with an ass bat.
Johnny was being a brat in school, so his teacher gave him a case of bat ass with her ass bat paddle.

bat ass crazy

Used just like bat shit crazy.
That would be bat ass crazy.

Ass Bats

Ass bats are the bats that brush into you at night, they have a tenancy to brush your partners ass as you're walking down an unlit path. Ass bats live on insects, they are so fast that you rarely get to see them, in most cases the person walking with them gets the blame.
Did you just touch my ass? No it must have been ass bats I think I saw one flying around earlier...

Ass Bats

A custom built paddle used by a teacher or parent to paddle the ass of a brat child who will not behave.
Ms. Jones used one of her best ass bats when Johnny was pulling the girl's ponytail.

Ape-ass, bat-shit crazy

A huge step higher than just plain old bat-shit crazy; Britney Spears
"Tom Cruise may be bat-shit crazy, but that Britney Spears is ape-ass, bat-shit crazy!"




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