

俚语 reupped


re-inlisted in the army, or in another group. rejoined
After the 9/11 attacks he reupped at the age of 30.


1. A term used in the drug culture to restock on supplies.

2. A sick downtempo magazine growing out of San Diego, Ca covering graphic design, art, downtempo and experimental music. www.reupmag.com
Buyer: Hey man you holding?
Seller: Nah man i am waiting to "reup"!

Yo kid have you subscribed yet to ReUp? That ish is ill!


To restock ones marijuana stach.
Hey man, I just Reuped! You guys want to come hang?


To reenlist in the Army or other military service when your initial contract is up.
Soldier 1: I have to talk to reelistment tomorrow about my options.

Soldier 2: What for? If you reup, they'll just send you back to Iraq!


to re-post an http link to something (e.g an mp3) on a forum after the link dies or is removed.
Reup that Fiddy album my ni66a!


When you've spent your money on a product (Drugs) and then you've sold all your product and made more then what you spent you've reup'd
I just spent all my money on a shipment of coke, sold all that shit and now im rollin the money....I reup'd like a mother fucker

reup my game

reup my game: to upgrade on something,to add a new level

mostly used in getting new sneakers or shoes like Nikes,Jordans,sports shoes
Taylor: I need to reup my game this season

Aling: why
Taylor: Cause last year's kicks won't do it for me




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更新时间:2024/9/20 11:40:16