

俚语 r.f.d


R.F.D. (Rapid fire diarrhea)One of the potentially hazardous side effects of consuming SPLENDA® based products such as diet coke and low calorie yogurt.
After consuming SPLENDA® I felt very panicky and shaky and immediately had two bouts of RFD.


Rabbit Fucked to Death - Often seen in the elderly as a results of RFH Rabbit Fucked Hair.
Granny passed away, RFD. If only she had gone with the blue perm as God intended.


Short for Reverse Flacidity Disorder, where the penis becomes smaller on erection.
e.g. Person 1 "Your boyfriend's got RFD"

Person 2 "Your mum didn't mind"


Abbreviation for Really Fucking Dumb. Best used like a trademark symbol to ridicule anything that is really fucking dumb.
A junior high school boy received a blowjob from a friend in his class, which the hystericals have labelled Sexually Harmful Behaviour<sup>RFD</sup>.


Stands for "I'm really fucking disgusted."

Obviously can be used in disgust, anger or rage.

Synonymous to "smh" and "wtf."
Person 1: Dude that kid just called you a douche.
Person 2: Wow what a chode. Rfd.

Mayberry RFD

A town in the 50's from the Andy Griffith show. It usually refers to a perfect town where kids can roam the streets without fear and everybody's friendly and knows each other. Usually a term used by adults who watched the Andy Griffith Show.
God, I wish I could go live in Mayberry RFD.

Regenerative Fohawk Disorder (RFD)

RFD is a brain disease that attack one's hair. RFD causes people to wake up with a fohawk. The disease has no cure, however, the symptoms can be reduced by taking a shower.
I can't go that early, I need time to treat my Regenerative Fohawk Disorder (RFD)




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