

俚语 rhyanna


Literally the greatest person you'll ever meet. Rhyanna will do everything to make sure those around them are happy and positive and that things are alright. Rhyannas are the sweetest, cutest, most beautiful, funny mermaids and if you ever find a Rhyanna hold on to them forever cause they're the bestest ever and don't ever deserve to experience the bad of the world and deserve all the puppies
Person A: OMG!!! That person over there is so nice!
Person B: Well duhhh! They're a Rhyanna! Quick lets go give them some pie


A loving person who gets really angry quick
Spongebob:da da da want a krabby patty


Rhyanna is person who will put you first before herself . she likes to steal your food at lunch someone will probably call her roach. she is a type of person to stay on the phone for hours just to listen to you cry about how your day was a total shit it was , she doesn't give a shit about what people have to say . BUT she loves to fool around she can through a party . she loves to be the first person to get the hugs . but if you fuck with her she will call you a monster and probably talk the most shit about you then any other person . she loves to be lazy that might be the reason she doesn't pick up the phone when you call her . anyways this girl is so damn pretty she is the type of person you want to be your bestie . shes is really funny ...
vivi: damn rhyanna why don't you pick up your phone at night?

her : sorry i was to lazy to pick it up sorry.


the most beautiful girl in the world is good at everything usually has a model body and a rocking butt she is confident and gorgeous ....if you ever run into a rhyanna you better hang onto that diamond! rhyanna: another word for high class diamond
damn that girl is fine
yea but she aint no rhyanna


Obsessed with not knowing what to do. Repeats the same question 1 Million times over and over again. Finishes others sentences. Awkward.
Rhyanna is dumb




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更新时间:2024/9/21 0:45:48