

俚语 rialize


Rialize is the kind of girl that everyone thinks is creative, humorous, not a player and an outgoing person with her friends. She is the kind of girl that gets put down by some people but always has her friends to back her up in any situation. It would be a great gift to ever get a friend named Rialize so if you ever are so lucky as to get one, hold tight and never let go.
Girl: "Hey Rialize right? I think you seem pretty cool."
Rialize: "Really.. thanks!"
Girl: "Wanna be friends?"
Rialize: "Sure!"


To finally discover the true sexyness of palindomes.
Xingbob rialized rianair, therefore he should be person of the day everyday~!


to rialize that ramya should be potd everyday
ria finally rialized that she loved ramya enough to make her potd




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更新时间:2024/9/20 20:52:46