

俚语 richboro


A upscale, rich, snobby small town in southeastern Pennsylvania with lotsa people with cool cars and hot ass chix! :P The cops rock!
I looooove Richboro because Richboro loves me back (and it got my back).


A small town located in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. This town is very wealthy and almost everyone is a conceited snob here. "Rich" boro really describes the town well. The nicest cars drive around here and 99% of the time a MILF is driving it. The kids that live in Richboro attend RMS and then go into Council Rock South. Alrhough everyone is rich there is nothing to do in Richboro besides get wasted and have sex. A really wonderful town.
Kevin "where do you live?"

Kelsey "richboro"

Kevin "so do you drive a BMW and live in a house the size of a small country?"

Kelsey "yes"




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