Richland middle school
Richland middle school is filled with 13 year old sluts who do things there boyfriends want them to do. The place where the lunch smells who bad people from Kentucky can smell how bad it is. The place where the teachers have up on the students who use there phones in class, the kids who sleep and the kids who talk.
Richland middle school is the worst place to be on planet Earth.
richlands middle
-all fake
-food sucks
-to much drama for nothing
-play boys
-everyones gay but wont admit it
-food sucks
-to much drama for nothing
-play boys
-everyones gay but wont admit it
person 1 : omg did u here a group of girls got caught with vapes
person 2 : omg i missed out
person 3 : thats so lame
person 4 : wait that was richlands middle right?
person 1 : yeah
person 2 : omg i missed out
person 3 : thats so lame
person 4 : wait that was richlands middle right?
person 1 : yeah