

俚语 riddle flush

Riddle Flush

When engineering students at Embry-Riddle don't actually learn the material; they just retain it long enough to pass the exams and get the grade, then proceed to purge it from their brain. Thus they go into the field with a degree, but actually know nothing.
"Bro, help me with this whack-ass integration." "What, is that Calc 2? I used the Riddle Flush and forgot that shit after freshman year, homie."

Riddle Flush

The type of flush that occurs for all toilets at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University where a black hole opens up to swiftly evacuate all contents of the toilet upon activation of the toilet lever.
1: “Yo man, did you clog the toilet after that massive dump”
“ nope, I’ve got the riddle flush”

2: “be careful when you flush the toilet. The riddle flush might suck you in”




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更新时间:2024/9/21 8:26:29