

俚语 ripping ass

Ripping Ass

To take a shit or fart of God-like magnitude in a very unpleasant sounding, looking and smelling way. Typical examples can be found in public bathrooms, or after taco night.
Dude, the in the stall next to me was ripping ass, I swear he cracked the toilet.

Ripping Ass

Being really good at something
Doug is ripping ass in 2d platformers

Ripping Ass

Ripping Ass is the action of torturing someone by farting in their face repeatedly until wet farts start to occur then lowering your ass on to the tortured persons face so they are forced to smell the farts that you are ripping from your ass
Can I start ripping ass in your face? One of my friends just started ripping ass in my face

Ripping Ass

To humiliate one or more person by wooping ass in an activity, or video game; also known as "departing ass"
Ripping ass in NCAA, 46-20

rip ass

v. To forcefully fart, usu. loudly
'Dude, did you just rip ass?'

Rip Ass

To do exceptionally well at something, or have godlike abilities.
I rip ass at 2D platformers

He's such a good job, he's absolutely ripping ass.

Ripped Ass

Term used by your buddy when he passed gas, released flatulent, fumigated your hallway, or crop dusted the meeting room
Douche 1:Dude look out, Brodie just ripped ass

Douche 2:I know he did it last time while waiting in line at starbucks




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