

俚语 r/niceguys


Men who believe that they deserve sexual intercorse just for being nice to a person and if or when denied will verbally berate the person with phrases like : YOU WHORE, FUCKIN SLUT and, WHIPE OFF YOUR CUM STAINED EYES. It is possible for nice guys to be neck beards. r/nicegirls is the female varient for r/niceguys. r/niceguys are not the same as r/whiteknights but are similar
Guy: Nudes?
Girl: No
Guy: Hoe
Girl: r/niceguys


Men who believe that they deserve sexual intercorse just for being nice to a person and if or when denied will verbally berate the person with phrases like : YOU WHORE, FUCKIN SLUT and, WHIPE OFF YOUR CUM STAINED EYES. It is possible for nice guys to be neck beards. r/nicegirls is the female varient for r/niceguys. r/niceguys are not the same as r/whiteknights but are similar
Guy: Nudes?
Girl: No
Guy: Hoe
Girl: r/niceguys


A loser who's against actual nice people and is an incel
Disrespects wamen
Imagine being an R/niceguy
The nerve of some R/niceguy I swear


Žan Gavrič
Person 1: "ugh he's such a r/niceguy"
Person 2: "I believe the word you're looking for is Gavrič"
Person 1: "shit you right fam"


Collin sourbeer
"imagine being an r/niceguy"
"The nerve of some r/niceguy




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:19:32