

俚语 roann


Genius,eccentric,funny,beautiful, the best friend you'll ever have, always smiling, always has good insight, fun to be around. Always there for you when you need them.
guy1: I met this amazing woman today..

guy2: Yea, what was her name?

guy1: roann:)


A beautiful girl,very gorgeous, who doesn't take shit from no one. She likes to chat on the phone at times. An independent person. Who may have gone out with allot of guys but isn't a whore. Oh yea, a paticular roanne rocks a nicholas's world :

She is a roanne,
Wish I was roanne

Gail Roanne

pogi, perfection, cool voice, faultlessness, immaculateness, supremacy, brilliance, guitar, art, knit, animation, pogi, charming, one in the cosmos, poetry, ;)) uwu
wow, you're such a gail roanne




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