

俚语 rocket syndrome

Rocket Syndrome

Let action B have some generally accepted prerequisite state A. That is, someone must be in state A before performing action B. We say that one has rocket syndrome if that individual attempts to pursue action B before achieving state A.
I recently attributed my attempts at the challenge exercises in the text "Professor Evil's Advanced Super Hard Calculus For Definitive Non-Beginners" to rocket syndrome.

Red Rocket Syndrome

A mental disorder where your too horney to control your arrection. This usually results in a"Moose Knuckle" (Buldge) or worse.

- See "Moose Knuckle" for further explanation.
Boy- Oh little Jimmy seemed awfuly happy to see you today!
Girl- Yea, I could tell from his Red Rocket Syndrome... His boner poked me when I hugged him...

Rocket Ass Syndrom

Rare but Freaky. Symptoms include: extreme halucinations of alien abduction, localized earthquakes of approximately 8.2 on the richtor scale which shake your whole house, ending in severe anal bleeding and aperant telaportation -- in which the subject/victim falls asleep somewhere (say, in bed) and wakes up inexplicably somewhere completely different (like on the front lawn or in another state) Usually, the subject/victim has no credibility and can not prove the event, but is, none the less, very traumatized. Example: See TV's House. Season 3. Episode 4.
Person 1:
"Dude you were WASTED yesterday, what happened?"

Person 2:
"I don't even wana talk about it. I woke up in the bathroom at Arby's"

Person 1:
"What the hell?...we didn't even go to Arby's last night!"

Person 2:
"I know... and my ass and gus are KILLIN me"

Person 1:
"Rocket ass syndrom...happens to me all the time!"

Rocket League Syndrome

The 'Rocket League Syndrome' affects entertaining Youtubers during their recordings. It is a mental irritation that comes with its physical symptom of giving the affected person an itchy nose.

Several famous Youtubers are already infected with the Rocket League Syndrome. It is said that patient zero is either JonSandman or Woofless, both whom are famous Youtubers that play Rocket League frequently.

There is still no known cure to the Rocket League Syndrome.
I'm going to play defensive, the Rocket League syndrome is messing with me again. (Which essentially means that the person is staying as a goalkeeper so that he/she can scratch his nose)




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