

俚语 rock in a tube sock

Rock in a tube sock

A rock in a tube sock is when the females' breasts are so saggy it looks like a rock in a large tube sock.
damn, I fucked this girl and her tits were like a rock in a tube sock

Rocks in tube socks

When a bare breasted girl bends over and her tits get really long as all the weight falls to the end. It resembles rocks in tube socks held at the top
Yo Brian, one of them bitches that was naked in the hot tub the other night bent over to get her flip flops and her titties hung down like rocks in tube socks. Thought them titties was gonna hit the ground.

rocks in tube socks

heavy, droopy breasts. see "beagle ears"
Your mom used to have a nice rack, but now she's got a rocks in tube socks thing going on there.

rocks in tube socks

having crack cocaine hidden in your tube socks
person 1: wheres dem rocks at nigga?
person 2: the rocks in tube socks, mayne.




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