verb - 1) for a politician, to accept bribe money to subvert an important piece of social legislation one pretends to support, (2) more broadly, to intentionally sabotage an undertaking for selfish reasons
!) "We had a chance to do something about the smog problem in this city but the mayor baucused it." 2) "he looked like he was trying to put out the fire but I think he really baucused the job because he was after the insurance money"
The Max Baucus
"The Max Bauchus" is a slang term that rose up in the late years of the first decade of the 21st Century to describe a host of medical conditions plaguing citizens of the United States suffering under the tyrannical rule of private health insurance.
Its general intent and meaning denotes the circumstance of becoming sick or diseased while having private health insurance but, because the American health insurance industry is controlled by capitalist pigs, payment for care is not provided for and the infirmed are left to fend for themselves.
The term is derived from the name of Montana's Democratic Senator who served as one of the leading forces in scuttling real health care reform.
Its general intent and meaning denotes the circumstance of becoming sick or diseased while having private health insurance but, because the American health insurance industry is controlled by capitalist pigs, payment for care is not provided for and the infirmed are left to fend for themselves.
The term is derived from the name of Montana's Democratic Senator who served as one of the leading forces in scuttling real health care reform.
"Oh man, I don't know what's going on but I got all these white bumps down there and everything burns, and I think I'm going blind and my private health insurance won't cover it... I think I've totally got The Max Baucus!"
Basual Bard Baucus
The gathering of the greatest poker players in the world to battle it out in a rich kid's basement for $20. Formerly known as the Kasual Kard Kaucus.
Let's get a game going in the Basual Bard Baucus