Rolling On the Floor in Tears
Her story had me ROFT
Rush order flow time
ROFT: The rush order flow time represents the time it takes for one flow unit (a car, a customer, a dozen
cookies) to go through the system from beginning to end without any waiting. It’s simply the flow
time minus the wait
cookies) to go through the system from beginning to end without any waiting. It’s simply the flow
time minus the wait
Raise Our Fucking Taxes
In order to build back up the nation's revenue base, some residents starting wearing ROFT badges and putting ROFT bumper stickers on their cars.
a geniune loser, one of drunken mental disposition
standing in the corner lighthousing
to fuck some one
X: to roft on a bed
X: in a car
X: with three people
X:do it
X: to roft on a bed
X: in a car
X: with three people
X:do it
hey baby i wanna roft you in my car
real one for that
awwww, thank you... ur a roft