a rare breed of mentally handicaped fellows. or a bad welder. they are usually seen around the pittsburgh area.
wow your welds look like they are rogowskied
Rogowski style
When fucking someone you calculate the forces involved in each hump in newton's. you can use a=v/t to find acceleration, and f=ma to find the force applied in newton's. This is the only form of sex which involves math and measurement.
I just splooged 50 millilitres into her pussy at 2m/s^2, the load continued a further 2 inches. What is the coeficiant of friction? let's calculate this Rogowski style!
scott rogowsky
The trivia Hq Daddy himself. A charming funny lad who knows how to keep a joke runnning until it gets awkward. Or usually it just starts out awkward when it comes to him. You can find the awkwardly funny trap trebec at 6 oclock or 12 o clock, just d0wnload the app HQ trivia quiz with him and get some money!
Hey you playing HQ trivia tonight! I hope we have Scott Rogowsky as the host, not one of those other boring people
Filip Rogowski
A tiny polish man who kills bears with his bare hands. Exclusively drinks vodka and plays a lot of Mario Kart.
That immigrant over there looks like a Filip Rogowski to me!