

俚语 rolando


rolando is very pretty
Dude rolando is pretty .


Rolando is a person who can make any conversation nasty or just wierd. rolando will do things that are strange but he knows there right . rolandos are unlucky. things almost never go the right way for them rolandos are liers but its a skill that gets them out of trouble rolandos are scarred at a very young age. rolandos will grow up to make a girl as happy as he can. if you get to the right side of him he will treat you with all respect if you are someone he might not feel comfortable around he will act like a adult or grown up. most of the time rolandos are bad boys on the outside but are sweet hearts on the inside they dont like bragging about themselves as they are known for getting their way around anything. rolandos know how to tell if your his friend or his enemy rolandos are often made fun of. if you have a rolando don't let him go he is the most loyal person you will ever meet if you get on that side of him. rolando will NEVER fight his family even if it hurts him he will only defend them.
damn you got that rolando hes really loyal


He's the sweetest guy you'll ever meet.

Loving and caring.

And a trustworthy boyfriend.

The moment you see him your heart will bust open.

Every girl would love to have him and keep him FOREVER!

No words can explain how he is with you.

Don't never fuck with a Rolando.

Love him and treasure him forever.
Girl: Your going out with him?

Other girl: Yes,He's so sweet to me and loving and caring

Girl: He's definitely a Rolando

Other Girl:Yeah


The definition of rolando is the coolest kid that you can hope to meet and just the sexiest..His large dick will pleasure any girls pussy. hes known around for having a charming way with the ladies.
person 1: Hey last night i hung out with ma boyfriend he had a large rolando
Person 2: I know what you meen i love me some rolando




Rolando is a nice guy, with nappy curly hair, very chill, but sometimes he can act hella gay, takes a long time to reply to a text. But, Rolando is a great guy, and fun to be around.
Girl 1. “Rolando's hair so nappy"
Girl 2. “I know right he needa fix that"


a name for a mythological beast trapped in a human body, loves the taste of blood, especially blood of the opposite sex of a human. it is said nothing can tame it.
it is said to be in relation to Nosterafu
oh damn, look at that, i think he's a Rolando,

ow, why you bite me, stop acting like a Rolando.





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