

俚语 rolling a dick


A rolladex of dick pics girls save to make fun of, or sometimes masturbate to.
I added the weirdest gloworm to my roll-a-dicks.

rolling dick

when you eat x and yourreally really fucked up. pretty much the same as "rolling balls" only where i come from we always said rolling
haha dude you fucking rolling dick

egg roll dick

It's when a person was not circumsized yet and has a dick that looks like a fucking nasty ass egg roll.
Patrick Jezewski has a nasty egg roll dick.

Fruit roll dick

When a person wraps a fruit roll up on a man’s dick and sucks it until it cums
Peggy have you ever tried fruit roll dicks I hear my friend jason tried it with his little sister

rolled up dick

Beer gut.

syn. rolled up cock.
After she patted him on the belly, Greg replied "Careful now. That's rolled up dick."

Related: "When I'm fightin' its muscle. When I'm fuckin' its dick." Refers to beer gut.

Rolling off your dick

Variations: "Rolled my dick off"

The act of retracting your dick while having sex and putting the foreskin on her entrance first. Afterwards thrusting forwards to let your dick roll off into the vagina.
Example use of "Rolling off your dick":

Person A: We didn't have sex man, she was very tense down there.
Person B: Damn dude, rest-in-pepperonies, didn't you roll of your dick into her?
Person A: Nah man, i'm circumsized.

rolling a dick

Taking 2 rolling papers and putting them together short ways to make it thicker
Aye bro you tryna Roll A Blunt after school?
Rolling a dick: Taking 2 rolling papers and putting them together short ways to make it thicker




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:27:21