

俚语 rolling face

rolling face

Taking Ecstasy to the point where you can't keep your eyes in the front of your head, your eyes are also jittering back and forth rapidly, your jaw looks like a cash register drawer, when you talk you sound like you have down syndrome, and at that moment, you wouldn't have it any other way.
holy crap am I rolling face!! Hey does anyone have a Newport?? Or some VapoRub??

rolling face

When you are high on ecstasy and everything feels so good that you want to roll your face on it.
Person 1: Dude I was rolling face last night!

Person 2: Yeah my dog will never be the same..

roll face

Being high on ecstasy. Everything feels so good that you want to roll your face on everything such as couches, dogs, etc.
Jimmy went to the party just so he could Roll Face.

Roll Face

high on ecstasy to the point of chewing on the inside of your mouth because it feels nice, and your eyes beginning to roll back in their sockets.
man i had such a roll face last night! but i have no emotions and a cut up mouth today though..

roll face

to excel greatly in a specific area; similar to 'owning faces', 'owning', or 'pwning'.
A: "So, do you roll face on your Xbox?"
B: "Hellz yeah! I completely rolled faces last night."

rolling death face

a person, who under the influence of E and/or Molly looks like death or as if they are NOT having a good time when their face is expressionless, eyes are either rolled back, jittering or lazy without meaning to. However, in actuality, they are in an extreme state of happiness and enjoyment.
Kelly: "OMG, is Anastasia ok?"

Andres: "Oh yeah, totally, she's really feeling it, she just has rolling death face."
Anastasia: 0_0

Face Rolled

A term used in online computer gaming to discribe how easy it is to kill a player that it was like rolling your face across the keyboard not even trying.
That Warlock just face rolled my Paladin




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更新时间:2024/9/20 13:55:15