

俚语 rolling pussy

Rolling Pussy

When your pussy lips sag down to your knees so you have to roll then back up in there.
boy: Those pussy lips are SAGGING!

girl: WAIT! im rolling pussy


Pussy-roll: verbal phrase, expression

The act of raveling or unraveling one's over-sized or stretched-out labia prior to such activities as bathing, masturbation, and sex.

May also be used to shock or shush a lover
"That bitch's meat curtains are so huge; she must need to roll dat pussy out before she gets laid."

"Gross! Dat hoe needs to roll dat pussy up & keep it away from me!"

"Baby? Just shut up and roll dat pussy out so I can fuck it," he said to her. "Yes, doctor," she replied, with the twinkle of sex in her eyes.

"Too many bitches don't know when to go into pussy-roll mode."

pussy rolling

Getting together with the girls to have a big night out. Also used as an exclamatory interjection.

Girl 1: "Hey girls, wanna go out and get drunk tonight?"
Girl 2: "Pussy rolling!"

Sometimes abbreviated to rolling, particularly after a few rounds. Frequently overheard in the lower north shore of Sydney, Australia.
Night out lower north shore drunk pussy rolling

pussy rolls

Is a type of food that looks like a pussy
I wanna eat some pussy rolls

pussy roll up

The hardened vixen pussy residue that resides on your penis after sex. Roll it off, place gently on wax paper, toss in fridge, and enjoy the next day for lunch.
"Bro you want to go to lunch?" "Naw man I brought a pussy roll up in my brown sack I'm good."

Pussy Roll

A category of sexual maneuver that can be performed in numerous angles.
Your sister did a mean pussy roll in me last night.




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