

俚语 roster bitch

Roster bitch

A bitch amoungst many other bitches on your roster of girls to smash.
I wonder which Roster bitch I should have tonight? Monica or Ashley?

Bitch Roster

Everyone has a bitch roster, men and women alike. Your bitch roster consists of people you've slept with in the past (and you'd do again), people you're currently sleeping with and of course the people in your phone that aren't really your "friends" but you still hang on to their number anyway, you know, just in case.

The way people end up in relationships with each other is based strictly on the bitch roster. You start at the bottom of the list and then move up higher and higher based on appearance, sexual prowess and in some extremely rare cases, intelligence. The way people act towards you is directly correlative to your position on their bitch roster.
"Listen trick, I know you don't know anyone better than me, I'm the best bitch on your roster."

"I wonder who I'm going to bone tonight. Let me check my bitch roster and see who's available."




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更新时间:2024/9/20 18:35:32