

俚语 rotondi


When a person thinks they are an intellectual, but in reality are just extremely insecure about their penis size.
Tom: Hey man is that Paul over there macking it to that girl?
Bob: Yeah but I wouldn't worry about it hes pulling a Rotondi.


Rotondi is the greatest last name to ever exist, there is none better. I do not care what other definitions there are, they are all officially reduced to ash at the creation of a *Real* definition for the absolutely divine law that is the name Rotondi.

They are most indefinitely made by collapsing stars and some have densities greater than one hundred thousand black holes. There is a coinflip on whether people like them or not, but the coin seems rigged sometimes because more times than not the one who has a personality and interests gets the side where nobody likes them when pitted against the other one who has less of a life than a pile of solid water.

They are all also usually suspiciously early when going places because they have the ability to see the future.
Rotondi is the greatest name in reality and I am never going to change my mind.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 14:20:25