ROTRUY is a codename.
It is the best codename.
It consists out of 2 parts: Ro and Truy, both stand for a part of the maker's name.
Ro is a part of his first name and Truy is a part of his last name.
No one knows his full name, he is often deemed legendary and this codename strikes all with fear.
It is the best codename.
It consists out of 2 parts: Ro and Truy, both stand for a part of the maker's name.
Ro is a part of his first name and Truy is a part of his last name.
No one knows his full name, he is often deemed legendary and this codename strikes all with fear.
My name is irrelevant, call me ROTRUY.
ROTRUY, it is a code-name based on the name of the user, it is the best code-name ever made, it just is.
I am THE one and only ROTRUY.