

俚语 rotten cherry

rotten cherry

The untampered hymen of an elderly lady who is still a virgin. Cherry is slang word for a woman's hyman.
That Martha down at the old folks home is such a bitch she's never had dick, so you know that pussy has a rotten cherry!

rotten cherry

(n). A slutty girl.
"Wow Taryn's SUCH a rotten cherry!"

Rotten Bottem cherry

When a fat person wears a red shirt tucked into black shorts. Also if the person gets a red face that matches his shirt durning physical activities
Yo Pedro why da fuck is u tucking in ur shirt, u look like a rotten bottem cherry.

Rotten Cherry

A Rotten Cherry is when a woman with some sort of Sexually-Transmitted-Disease is creampied inside, and it leaking out and dropping from the vagina.
I met this girl the other night, even though it was minging I Rotten Cherry-ied her.




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