

俚语 bazinator


A cold steel killin', bad ass mother fucker who will destroy anything that gets in his way.

Also: The opposite of gay.

Noun: Did you just say what I think you said? Man, the pain train is coming, and Bazinator is on it. He's gonna destroy your ass.

Verb: Did you see that guys head get tore off when he got Baz'd in the face with that 12 gauge shotty?

Adjective: That guy is "the shit", he's so fuckin' Bazinator!

Proper Noun: I'm fucking Bazinator... ;-)


1) To exclaim something with much emotion
2) A city in Kansas
1) Bazine!
2) Bazine...


Bazin is when something is very good and no other word is badman enough to express it
John: i just won the lottery!
Gary: Man thats BAZIN!

Gary: remember that gig we went to last week?
John: ye man, bazin times


To be a "fag" or being "gay"
Also the act of being gay.
God my friend is such a damn bazinator..He keeps asking me to go out with him.


to be extremely happy and feel amazing.
I am feelin bam-bazin!

bazin dapper

A sophisticated and suave gentleman, french finesse with an edge that could cut a diamond.
That bazin dapper don't fuck about.

Check that bazin he's dressed dapper to the nines!

His spats are spandangle-sparkling!

Damn, wish I could tap that bazin-dapper!




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