"The most powerful object to ever exist in the universe", speculated to be a 4th-dimensional object. Depicted in engravings by the ancient Mayans, This object seems to have a religious significance of sorts.
Supposedly an orb/ball of sorts, said to hold the secrets of time.
Usually portrayed as a dark blue/grey, glowing ball.
Possibly referenced in the "Pondering my orb" meme around late 2021.
Supposedly an orb/ball of sorts, said to hold the secrets of time.
Usually portrayed as a dark blue/grey, glowing ball.
Possibly referenced in the "Pondering my orb" meme around late 2021.
"It's said the rubidorb held a great cultural significance to many, it's history leading all the way back to the ancient Mayans."
"The what?"
"The what?"