Takato Matsuki and Rika Nonaka coupling, also known as Rukato (a portmanteau of Takato and Ruki, the original Japanese names) The two are in Digimon Tamers.
Guy 1"Did you see that new Rukato video on YouTube?"
Guy 2"Yah, I have not seen a video that good in a long time"
Guy 2"Yah, I have not seen a video that good in a long time"
Could it be Rukato?(run away locomon Alexander's style)
Ok Look After The After The Video I Doining From Fanfiction.Net Ok Just Wait
Rukato:(Ruki And Takato)
Rikato:(Rika And Takato)
Rukato:(Ruki And Takato)
Rikato:(Rika And Takato)
Could it be Rukato?(run away locomon Alexander's style)