

俚语 rumchucker


Adj. To be intoxicated with alcohol, generally rum, carried out in a quick and orderly fashion leading to an evening of incoherent speech, a curious inability to walk, while demonstrating overall extreme, yet humorous, symptoms of alcohol poisoning. Rumchucked individuals most notably display symptoms closely related to the bar "Leaner" (See Def.2)

Synonyms: "In the bag" "Schnockered" "Hammed" "Crunk"
Jeremy was so rumchucked last night, he drank a pint of his own urine.

He started drinking at noon, and was just rumchucked by the time happy hour started.


The kind of woman who gets three drinks in her and picks fights with every living creature in a twelve-mile-radius.
Bob: Holy shit, did you see Lisa at the bar last night? She turned into a right rumchucker!
Mike: Sure did, Bob! She punched the bartender, bit the bouncer, kicked out the back window out of the cop car, headbutted the corrections officer and knocked the crap out of every bitch in her holding cell!




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