

俚语 rummer


another word for summer, used by the text messaging impared who don't know how to text
"it's the rummer. let's honj"


see RUM its proper bo
you f**king rummer

run rummer

a drink consisting of rum, pineapple juice, orange juice, and a splash of grenadine. Different than a rum runner but basically the same thing except you're drunk and can't remember if it's called a rum runner or run rummer.
When I was on Spring Break in Cancun all I drank were run rummers


A teenager who has a childish face. This person acts and reads an age group much lower than his own. This person is obsessed over playing with Legos. If you give this person a set of Legos he will spend a week constructing, disassembling, and putting them back together again and again. He is upset easily and can’t sit still. Don’t make fun of him or he’ll be sure to cry.
Other boy: Hey Tyler! What's up?

Tyler: Not much man, just playing with my Legos.

Other boy: You're such a little rummer!

Tyler: Cries

Rummer Up

Someone who participates in a drinking contest, but loses, resulting in them becoming the second most drunk person present.
Dude, you're such a fucking loser. I can't believe you were a rummer up instead of actually winning.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 22:50:33