

俚语 rumours


an event constructed by people that have small brains
the rumour goes he was a man whore but only because sally got shut down by him.


a rumor is a story spread among a number of people which is unconfirmed or likely false.
kaite- omg i just heard a rumour that Chris and Britney had sex


Someone who doesn't have an account on any social networking sites such as Facebook, Flickr, LinkedIn, Twitter, MySpace, Habbo, Friendster, Orkut, Bebo, Last.fm or dogging.co.uk

These individuals typically like to think they are invisible, but usually aren't. They also utilise same said sites to stalk other people online.

Also spelt rumor (US spelling).
"Don't give out my mobile number, dude, I'm a just rumour."


Album by Fleetwood Mac. Released in 1974.

One of the greatest albums of all time. Every track is a hit, and every track is perfect for making love.
Sorry, I can't hang out right now. I'm listening to Rumours by Fleetwood Mac. I'm going to be MIA for the next hour.


Invaraibly a lie, something with no factual founding, spread amongst poorly educated members of the working class whose critical faculties have never been fully developed. Rumours are in genertal pure hearsay.
"The rumour is that **** is messing about behind his wife's back."


...... WTF the fuck? who doesn't know what rumours means?
god rumours is an awful cunt

see also mullins

Rumour Train

A term used to represent the speed and efficiency at which gossip travels. It draws to mind a train carrying rumours on it and depositing these rumours to everyone it passes.

If you find yourself in a situation where gossip is traveling fast, for example, a camp or a small high school, or you find out a news/gossip item that is fairly recent, you then say "Rumour Train!" noting that the piece of gossip is traveling at the speed of a train.

You may optionally say "Rumour Train, WOO WOO" afterwards to emulate the sound a train containing rumours would sound like.
Senior Camper 1: Did you hear Noah and Rachel are foolzing again?

Senior Camper 2: When did it happen?
Senior Camper 1: Last night!
Senior Camper 2: Rumour TRAIN! WOO WOO!

Staff member: I heard you and Miranda were making out at Chapel point after evening program.

Staff member: Rumour Train!




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