BBBFF = Big Brother Best Friend Forever
Said by Twilight Sparkle in the season 2 finale of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic referring to her brother.
Said by Twilight Sparkle in the season 2 finale of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic referring to her brother.
Shining Armor is my BBBFF.
1. big brother best friend forever. originally used by twilight sparkle to describe the relationship with her brother. of the pop boy band, Ben Ben Ben Francis and Francis. Known for their hit song, "Hooves Up" of the pop boy band, Ben Ben Ben Francis and Francis. Known for their hit song, "Hooves Up"
1. Shining Armor is my BBBFF.
2. I didn't know your brother was Francis Sparkle, lead singer of BBBFF.
2. I didn't know your brother was Francis Sparkle, lead singer of BBBFF.