Running with the Bulls
To operate a motor vehicle (most often a Harley) on a public street and/or highway while intoxicated and/or high, in close proximity to (beside) a vehicle(s) operated by law enforcement personell instead of looking for an alternate route.
I smoked a big fatty and had a few Jack and cokes then Ran with the Bulls all the way through town.
Running of the Bulls
When you get diarrhea from drinking too many Red Bulls.
"Oh man, after that last Red Bull, I've got a serious case of Running of the Bulls. I may need to change my underwear!"
running of the bulls
A unique practice where unimformed, misinformed, or ill-informed, foreigners that know nothing of the history of Pamplona and/or the practice of the running of the bulls, dimisses it to be simply a pastime where drunken farm boys, drunk off of whiskey and barly beer, make their way running through town as they are being chased down by a pack of angry, yet amused bulls.
These boys often scream in terror, shouting phrases like "wordOwch! my stomach lining!"/word or "wordMy blood hurts!/word" Or something of the sort while, routinely, but traditionally, being gorged, or even gutted by the horns of a bull.
These boys often scream in terror, shouting phrases like "wordOwch! my stomach lining!"/word or "wordMy blood hurts!/word" Or something of the sort while, routinely, but traditionally, being gorged, or even gutted by the horns of a bull.
The running of the bulls festivals is held in Pamplona, Spain, every year, for nine days in July.
running of the bulls
when yo bowls emit a loose, light brown (or sandlewood, if you will) fecal discharge at an inopportune momemt.
Egad, Chalmers, I'd love to continue this conversation, but I must make haste to the toilet as I've just had a little running of the bulls
running of the bulls
an excuse for a bunch of drunken Spaniards to get gored by crazed bulls
running of the bulls
something only real morons would participate in; of course they learn the hard way when a bull decides he's having rump roast for dinner
running of the bulls
When a group of lesbians get together and frolick gayly in some activity.
Dude, look at all those bull-dykes. It is like the running of the bulls in here.